Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 28, 2009

One Month Old

Noah is one month old today! We have had a wonderful and busy week home. I will post more soon, but some of the highlights are:

  • Appointment with the pediatrician - 8 pounds 12 ounces and 22 inches long.
  • Now feeding around 30 ml from a bottle and 40 ml through the NG tube.
  • Had his first immunization shot (only cried a little bit).
  • Daddy and I have replaced his NG tube once (he coughed it out his mouth) and the trach (Saturdays are "trach changing days").
  • Many visitors have come to cuddle and meet the little man.
  • Found out we're being referred to Dr. Song (a cornea surgeon) at Children's Hospital Los Angeles not UCLA Medical.
  • Should know next week when we're heading down south.
  • Does not hate "tummy time" as much as I expected.
  • LOVES to be held.
  • Several doctors appointments are scheduled for the next few weeks.
It's amazing how fast the days are zooming by. Because Noah needs to gain more weight, we are sticking to a strict feeding schedule every three hours. I seem to only have small windows of time to do laundry (how many outfits can he spit-up on in a single day???), clean a bit, wash hundreds of bottles, pump, organize his mounting paperwork, return some phone calls, and sneak in some cuddles before it's time to feed again. Wow! The life of a Mother is Awesome!!!


  1. And the answer to your question about how many outfits - exactly one more than you have available! Keep cuddling - and don't foret that marvelous Daddy of Noah - he needs his cuddles too. You're doing an awesome job of being a mommy, and I suspect your mommy had a bit to do with helping you keep things in perspective. The Kansas City area woke up to 4 inches of snow this morning; Trigger is having a grand time outside, and said Sierra can come visit any time.

  2. Happy 1 month birthday Noah!!!!

  3. Always praising and praying! Happy one month birthday, Noah!! XXXOOO

  4. Happy 1 month birthday! Only 12 days until I get to hold the little guy!

  5. Isn't it amazing how much your life can change in 1 month? And stick to your schedule, it makes a HUGE difference! Its hard at first, but it makes everything so much easier in the long run. Levi was a premie and we had to have him on the same thing to gain weight. And it works! He's now a strapping 4 year old. Good luck in LA!

    The Grunaus

  6. Welcome to Motherhood...with all of your extra are my hero.

    You forgot sleeping on your list....! You know, that thing you used to do at night when you would close your eyes? :)
    Welcome to the sisterhood!!

  7. My dear new Mom and Dad, You certainly do have a new LIFE. Every day will be a new adventure and our God will give you all the wisdom, love, peace and patience you need, only when you need it and not before. HIS TIMING IS PERFECT. Pov. 3:5 & 6. My very special verse. Love and Happy Birthday to Noah. Cousin Joan from Rockton

  8. Happy birthday little man, your cousin hunter can't wait to meet you. He has a lot of cool things to teach you. Good work mom and dad you are overcoming life’s challenges with grace. See you soon.

  9. Doctors like to freak us out sometimes... 8 lbs 12 oz is WONDERFUL, and a lot more than Bettie weighed at one month. They're just being extra cautious (as they should be).

  10. Dr. Song is also Austin's eye doctor @ CHLA.


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