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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fourteen Hours

Yep...that's right. From start to finish, we were gone fourteen hours yesterday. It was a whirlwind of a trip and even though Kc had his camera with him the entire time, we have NO pictures. Sorry.

We got to LA about an hour before our appointment. We only had to make one stop along the way for a diaper change and feeding. Noah did very well and slept most of the way down. The news from Dr. Song is very encouraging. He told us that it was a good thing we didn't have an appointment until this week. The experimental drug that had been suggested for Noah had some very poor results and is now suspended from use. Dr. Song explained that there are many things he can do to preserve Noah's left eye starting with some VERY SAFE eye drops. We'll be heading back to LA in a few weeks to see if they are working.

As far as Noah's right eye, the Doctor has scheduled a VEP-ERG (Visual Evoked Potential - Electroretinogram) in a few weeks as well. It will determine if there is any potential in that eye and whether or not he will have surgery to "uncover" it. If there isn't any potential, it will be left alone and Noah will receive a prosthetic eye that will cover the empty spot when he gets to be five years old. Either way, we have a definite plan of action and that makes all of us very happy.

Before leaving LA, and in order to miss the rush hour traffic, we stopped in Burbank and had dinner with our "transplanted" friends Jenn and Stacey (as well as Stacey's boyfriend Jared). It was so nice to see them again and Noah, while he was a bit cranky and hungry, truly enjoyed meeting everyone.

The drive home was pretty rough. Noah was sick and tired of sitting in his car seat, which was truly understandable, and just wanted to be home. By the time we got home at 11:00, Noah was so happy and awake, that we stayed up until his midnight feeding and did some tummy time. All in all, it was a great road trip.

To make this week a bit more hectic, Noah's achilles surgery that was scheduled for Friday, has been moved up to tomorrow afternoon. I am happy to get it over with although we are not looking forward to spending the night at Children's Hospital again. Thanks for all your prayers. We'll keep you posted.


  1. A trip to LA and no Disneyland? your mama and papa owe you big time Noah. I can't wait to see you and how big you are getting. Kepp growing and tell your parents we love them.

  2. This is such amazing news! It is always a comfort to have a plan and to know that God is in all of it :-) We will keep praying for strength as well as patience as we wait to know the outcomes with Noah's new eye drops and the upcoming VEP-ERG. As for the pics, it was the "words" that we were waiting for this time, more than anything else - and I've already said they are pretty amazing words. God is good, all the time...all the time, God is good!! Love ya lots :-)

  3. This is such awesome news! So many things are coming together for you guys. I am so happy! Wow, you guys have stamina... Hang in there with all of the appointments. I can't wait to read about more updates.
    All my love, Shari

  4. Just knowing that you were in our neck of the woods made me smile. Thinking about all of you.
    Robyn and Ira

  5. Bless Noah's heart for doing so well in the car. Long car rides can be tough! We continue to pray for you all and Noah is always mentioned and prayed for in Ella's Sunday school class. Your strength is amazing! Continuing to pray as Noah goes back to VCH tomorrow for his surgery!
    Lots of love to you!
    The Cline Family

  6. Rebecca and Kc, what great news from Dr. Song.
    The rejoicing that goes on with every hurdle little Noah clears can be heard all over the country and lots of it emanates from OC!
    Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us - it is a wonderful gift!

  7. I just read the "Holland" essay, which I have seen before. I'm glad you like it. There's another one I also think you might like. It's by Erma Bombeck about the moms of children with special needs. She says, in the most wonderful way, that you are a special bunch, and boy have you proved it, Rebecca! Kasey, too!

  8. Oops, I forgot to sign the above.

    Betsy Hurley

  9. Praise God for the wonderful news!

  10. Pshew, you guys keep a tight schedule! I'm glad the visit was so productive, nothing like a plan :) I wish Noah a speedy recovery from surgery!



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