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Saturday, June 2, 2012

We've Got a Biter

Stop the presses!

We've got a biter!

A biter and chewer!!

A biter and chewer and swallower!!!

Of Graham Crackers!

Can you believe it?

At Noah's last OT session, he learned to take {miniscule} bites of crackers and chew and swallow them.  In the past, Bubs would FREAK OUT whenever he had anything with texture in his mouth.  He would immediately wipe the offending food out with his fingers or use his shirt sleeve to scrape it off his tongue.  Yesterday, however, he willingly took bites of graham crackers and allowed the crumbs to stay in his mouth long enough for him to swallow them. 

Oh, my, goodness!!!

Kc took plenty of videos at the OT session and Bubs just loves to watch them.  Here he is watching the videos and doing his "homework" with Daddy.
Checking to make sure he's doing this "eating thing" correctly.
We are so proud of our Little Man and so thankful for his amazing Occupational Therapist.  We've still got a long way to go but are so encouraged by these little steps forward.


  1. That is so awesome, please forgive the weird Facebook comments, tiny keyboard, spell correct...

  2. Oh hallelujah what a very Blessed moment!!!

  3. Every milestone is such a WOW moment! So great to watch his enthusiasm and pride in his accomplishment. :)

  4. FANTASTIC!! So proud of you Noah! Great job Mom and Dad! Can't wait to see what he eats next!


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