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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gorgeous Looking Hole

That's what our MOST FANTASTIC Otolaryngologist said after Noah's surgery today...he's got one "gorgeous looking hole".

The stent removal went well today and when the doctor looked around, he said Noah's trachea looked very good. There was very little granulation tissue and the hole was nice and big. Our MOST FANTASTIC Otolaryngologist even plugged Noah's trach with his finger, and while Mr. Man DID NOT enjoy it, he did breathe through his mouth.


Breathing through his mouth! was more like crying through his mouth, but whatever.

Noah's vocal chords are "quite unique" and we have yet to hear any noises from him but the doctor is cautiously optimistic for the future.

We're currently in the PICU {the exact same room we were in last time} and thanks to Tylenol, Noah is resting comfortably. We will begin feeding him tomorrow morning and are fervently praying that our Little Stinkpot does not vomit and aspirate {like last time}. If Noah can tolerate his food and "looks good" we'll be going home on Friday.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Your encouraging words are a true blessing!


  1. So happy and so thankful he is not in tons of pain. I will be praying for you guys tomorrow!!! Katy Mc

  2. Yipee for gorgeous holes!! We will be there Saturday night and will be available to help administer healing hugs and "chicken soup" too!

  3. Wow! Awesome! Praising and praying...

  4. Wonderful news! Will continue in fervent prayer!

  5. Prayers coming your way! It's always good to hear optimistic news! HOORAY!

  6. Go Noah go! Praying for the little man, mama and dada.


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