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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Noah's first Christmas present

Several weeks ago, I received a large bill from Noah's home health company that provides us with all of our trach and g-tube supplies as well as the durable medical equipment (two suction machines, feeding pump and apnea monitor). Thankfully in the past, my insurance has paid for all of the supplies, so I was quite shocked by the bill. After a quick call to the company, they informed me that the insurance company is no longer paying the rental for Noah's apnea monitor. What?!? That monitor is essential! There is no way we would know if Noah's trach came out while he was sleeping or out of our line of vision...Noah can't just cry and let us know something is wrong.

I quickly called my insurance company and was prepared for quite a battle. After a very short conversation with a lovely representative, I was informed that most durable medical equipment is rent-to-own. The insurance company had paid, in rental fees, the price of the apnea monitor and so now it was ours. Wow! Noah's very own apnea monitor! How very special! Just in time for Christmas!

A short phone call to the home health company, later that afternoon, confirmed what the insurance company had said. The bill was an error and we were told to rip it up.

So, Noah received his first Christmas present from our insurance company. And what a gift it was.

Notice the hands in mouth...EVERYTHING must go into Noah's mouth these days.


  1. Merry Christmas, Noah! It probably wasn't on your Christmas list, but it is a welcome gift none the less.

  2. Wow crazy insurance companies helping- Now I have heard everything! Yes everything does go in the mouth that is Jacks motto too.

  3. I'd say this monitor and the quick and painless resolution is a gift to all. Some safety and peace of mind - what more can one ask for?


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