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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Big Boy Crib

Well...I finally feel as though I am able to take a bit of time and blog. These past three weeks have been a whirlwind for the Jackson family both at home and at work. I am now off for two weeks and get to focus on being a Mama. Yeah!

Several weeks ago, Kc and I gave in to the fact that as long as Mr. Man has his trach, he will be rooming with his parents. Right now, we are getting up several times throughout the night to suction Noah. We are both able to sleep quite well, me perhaps better than Kc, and wake quickly when Noah becomes rattly. The thought of having to walk down the hall into Noah's nursery several times in the middle of the night just does not appeal to me. Once we embraced our new roomie, we quickly realized that his pack-and-play was just too small. So, one Saturday, Kc took apart the crib he put together in Noah's nursery and moved it into our room. It's amazing how much easier and faster it was to put together the second time.
Noah just LOVES his crib. He takes full advantage of the room he has to roll around in.
Just before Noah rolls onto his tummy and falls asleep, he will peek over the side of the bumper pad and try to see if we're still there watching...we usually are. It is just too cute!


  1. Noah looks so happy in his crib. I'm sure it is much better than his pack-and-play.

  2. Fun, fun, fun!!! How fun for you Noah!

  3. The big boy and his big boy crib look like a perfect match!


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