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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling

Up until now, Mr. Man has been able to roll from his back to his tummy, but once he got there, he was stuck. Well...he has just discovered how to get from his tummy to his back and learned that he can move from point A to point B by rolling in one direction. Our little guy is on the move.

Notice how Noah grabs his trach at the end of the video. It's a new (and scary) thing for him. We have started flicking his hand when he grabs it. There are some things that little boys just cannot touch!


  1. YAY on the rolling, start baby proofing girl!

    On the Trach tugging, you might try redirecting him by just placing something else in his hands and ignoring it. I know it sounds weird but if you draw any attention (flick) he may just do it for the interaction. Austin has done the decan 3 times, each time he has been in his HC with nothing to play with, my bad. I think Noah is young enough that you can try to occupy his hands so he will have something else to "play" with. It can be a LONG stage!!!!

  2. Way to go Noah for rolling over. You're on your way!

  3. Yeah!! Clapping from all of us. Way to go Noah man!

  4. Way to go Noah I guess you can no longer be on the bed by yourself! Katy mc Ps love him in jeans!

  5. Rolling over is such fun! It is amazing how far the little guys go once they get on a roll (pun intended). It's also great that we can all experience the joy via video; still shots never give the event the credit it deserves. Way to go, Noah!

  6. WTG Noah!! So cute. <3

  7. Noah, as you see we are all so proud of you! Like your Mom said...
    WTG! Love you little man, Grandma :D


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