Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Over Labor Day weekend, Kc and I had planned on taking Noah back up to Huntington Lake, but had a necessary change of plans. Instead, we were fortunate enough to spend some quality time with friend, some fun time as a family, and prepare for Noah's surgery tomorrow. On Saturday, we headed over to the Grunau's for yummy cinnamon rolls for breakfast and over to the Long's for a great pasta dinner complete with homemade apple pie. It was great to reconnect with old friends and share stories of raising little ones.

On Monday, Kc and I took Noah Man to Storyland. We both remember going there as children and were so excited to share that experience with our child.Upon entering the park, we were greeted by the White Rabbit who informed us that we were very late.We soon found the replica of Noah's Ark and headed inside to look at all the animals.There was a pirate exhibit that was unfortunately still under construction, but Daddy-O was able to show Noah Man how to speak pirate. Arrrr!At every exhibit there is a recorded narrative that can be played using a Magical Key. Noah got very good at turning the key to hear the story.
All in all, it was a great weekend spent with family and friend. We hope your Labor Day was just as special.


  1. Sounds like you had a great time at Storyland. I know I've been there, but can't remember anything about it. Maybe we'll have to take Jonah there the next time we are in town.

  2. It was much smaller than I remember. Funny how that happens.

  3. Oh my gosh! Storyland! What a blast from the past. It's good to know that some things in Fresno haven't been torn down. It's a keeper.


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