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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rice Cereal

Now that Noah is six months old, we have been given the go-ahead to try some rice cereal. Normally, Noah feeds a little less than an ounce of milk by mouth and the rest is fed through his G-Tube. Because he has long since refused to suck from a bottle as well as from a pacifier (Wubba is gone but not forgotten) we squirt small amounts of the milk into his mouth from a syringe. It is a painful process for me because Mr. Man HATES to swallow and whines and cries the entire time it takes to feed by mouth (about five minutes).

I suppose a small part of me was holding out hope that once Noah tastes "real" food, he will all of a sudden look at me with joy in his eye and want to swallow more. Alas, this was not the case. Here Noah is quite interested in what Mama is so excited about.
We were both cautiously optimistic that what was on the spoon would go in quickly and easily.Once the food hit his mouth, however, Noah sang a different tune. The wincing, crying, gagging and whining continued for three spoonfuls. At this point, Mama could not take it anymore and the feeding stopped.Well...we'll keep on trying, perhaps with some pureed fruit, but I'm less optimistic that Noah Man will be eating by mouth any time soon.


  1. Noah, Noah, Noah. You just don't know what you are missing out on; it starts out with rice cereal and pureed peaches and, before you know it, you are eating your daddy's amazing BBQ that I have read about and the Smith family's fried chicken that I have heard about. What more can you ask for?

    Seriously, I am praying that something "clicks" and that Noah WILL discover what Mama is so excited about (even if it is later rather than sooner). There are so many milestones in a baby's life to celebrate and I pray that this one will be up at the top of the list!

  2. Oh Noah! It must be the name Jackson. Because our Jackson does the same thing with bottles and wubbas! They are both such particular boys, only want things on their terms. Keep trying, I pray to something will "click". Maybe he is holding out for the other half of that cupcake. LOve Katy Mc

  3. Keep it up!!!! I know it's not fun for either of you, but the long term results will be worth it. Better to get the fighting over now than still be fighting him when he is 2 and can throw it at you with accuracy. :-)



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