Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Friday, May 29, 2009


Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. Noah's surgery went well today. He now has a Mic-Key G-tube in his little belly and the fundoplication procedure was a success. Dr. Hodge was encouraged by how "low" the colon was and said it was easy to attach to his anus. It was a glorious moment when I finally got to hold him after he came out of recovery. He is sleeping away right now...with the help of some pain medication. Hopefully tonight all three of us will sleep like babies.


  1. Thank you, God, for protecting this little boy and his family.

  2. Woohoo! I'm glad to hear everything went well.

  3. I am so thankful that all went well today. Sweet dreams!

  4. I'm so happy to hear that everything went well. I know all the kids in Room 9 were praying for baby Noah.

  5. Glad to hear the happy news. Jack and I were thinking about you guys.


  6. We are so glad to hear surgery went well! Good job little Noah! We went home Friday night but looked for you in the halls when went by on our wagon rides!

  7. We are so thankful to hear that everything went so well. I hope you all were able to get that much needed rest! The Schalk family

  8. So glad to hear the good news! We continue to keep Noah in our prayers each night... The Quebes

  9. We are very happy to hear that Noah is doing so well. We keep him in our thoughts and prayers everyday.
    The Loewens


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