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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Four Months...

I'm four months today...that's old.
How old are you?


  1. Noah, you are a whole 1/3 of a year old! Yay!! Since you asked, I will tell you that I am 478 1/2 months old. Now that probably seems REALLY old to you :-) I will also tell you that Avery is 140 1/2 months old and Evan is 118 1/2 months old. Hopefully, those don't sound quite so old (even though they are still big numbers). You keep growing and before we know it, you will be that old too. We'll be praying tomorrow and eager to know how you are doing...keep up the good work!

  2. God be with you Noah and your Mommy, Daddy, Nana and Papa Roy. May your surgery go well and you all can come home soon. Love your pictures and your blogs! Will wait for good news from your Mama.
    Love and HUGS, Cousin Sue

  3. Young man, it is important for you to know that a gentleman does not ask a lady her age. However, you will be forgiven this once. I was one of those women who helped weave the basket for Moses, your cousin. Thinking of and praying with all of you today - with love.

  4. I'll be 31 in a few days. Wow, 31, married, a kid on the way...I am officially a grown-up!

  5. Oh Noah...let me just say that I am old enough to say that I have known your mommy for over 25 years. You're such a beautiful little boy and I look forward to meeting you one day.

    XOXO, Julie Galyan Pharo


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