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Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Great Food Experiment - Day Five

I am happy to report that Noah seems to be doing quite well on his new diet. In the past five days he has only vomited three times. That's UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! We've had single days where he has vomited more than that.

We continue to blend chicken and vegetables and are getting better at straining it so it is thin enough to flow through Noah's feeding pump.

We traveled out of town this past weekend and had a much harder time feeding Noah. In the past we would just bring a can of formula and scoop, add water, shake and feed. This weekend, we traveled with several large containers of blended food and ice packs in an adorable Picnic Thermal Tote {available through Thirty-One Gifts}.
We had to keep his food refrigerated and only pour what we needed at each feed.

We have been introducing Noah to different vegetables each time we make a "batch" of food and so far have not seen any allergic reactions.

I look forward to seeing how Noah does over the next week!


  1. Hallelujah !!!!!!!!! Does that mean we can pack away the "burp" cloths????

  2. I love the product placement! Ps... add one of those to my XMAS list. Don't know what color yet :)


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