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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Giving Thanks

I have so much to be thankful for this year. Let me see if I can begin to give thanks for all that I have..

  1. A loving God who is bigger that I can fathom, loves me more than I can possibly imagine, and has an awesome plan for my life.
  2. The most amazing husband ever who takes out the trash, listens when I talk endlessly about work and my kiddos, buys me flowers for "no special reason", always puts his family before work, and is the greatest Daddy-O ever!!!
  3. The cutest little Stink Pot (AKA Noah) a Mama could ask for who is smiley, opinionated, cuddly, laid back, curious and most of all a fighter.
  4. The most supportive parents, siblings and sisters-in-law who always encourage me, lift me up, appreciate the necessity of tradition, and continually make me laugh (mostly with them, but occasionally at them).
  5. The greatest in-laws who ask questions, make special trips to visit us, and raised my husband to be an amazing Man of God.
  6. The awesome women in my life who love me, laugh and cry with me, share their mommy stories with me, and let me know that I'm never alone.
  7. The craziest co-workers and bosses who truly do believe that "We Are Family"!
  8. The greatest set of doctors who are patient to answer all my questions, treat my little guy with loving hands, and are fighting so hard for him.
  9. The roof over my head, food in my pantry, clothes in my closet, and breath in my lungs.
I hope your Thanksgiving is full of turkey, laughter and love.


  1. Thank you Rebecca, you couldn't have written a better compliment! By the way I had a dream about you 2 nights ago... we were laughing so hard, don't know why but it was fun :D I'm looking forward to many good times of laughter and celebration in the future! See you, Kc and Noah soon for Thanksgiving...
    We ARE blessed!
    Love, Grandma and Grandpa J

  2. I am thankful for a daughter who is the most wonderful gift from God. She is strong and tender the greatest Mommy and gives so much. And a son-in-law who is the BEST. He loves my daughter and grandson so totally and is a real asset to our family. And I am thankful for a grandson who has taken my heart. One smile from him and my day is good. I am thankful for a chocolate lab who came into our lives and loved us unconditionally. God is truly good.

  3. Sweetness. What a gift to be able to rattle off so much to be thankful for so easily. Blessings, blessings, blessings.

  4. Ps...can I just say "ditto" on a bunch of those on my list? (It's amazing how many of them resonate with me too.)

  5. What a great list Rebecca. It's amazing all that God has given us. Personally I think He is particularly proud when we take the time to notice. I'm having trouble signing in, but had to post a comment! Becky P.

  6. It feels so good to be thankful...I am thankful for a wonderful, loving husband who is always taking care of his family/I am thankful for two sons who are always changing and amazing me/I am thankful for the new miracle who will be born into our family in 2010/I am thankful for friends who laugh and pray with and for me/I am most thankful for an awesome God who holds us all in his embrace and NEVER lets go! Happy Thanksgiving to all!!


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