So...things have been very interesting here at the Jackson House. On Monday, Kc took Noah into the pediatrician's office and came out with the diagnosis of
tracheitis and an eye infection. Our little guy was put back on antibiotics and began to feel a bit better until...
Wednesday evening. 6:15 p.m. We had just finished feeding Noah his dinner and he was cruising around the coffee table playing with some blocks. He began to cough some of the excess mucus out of his trach {a wonderful side effect of the tracheitis} and the coughing lead to gagging which soon lead to vomiting. That is not unusual. What was unusual was the blood, yes blood, that he vomited up.
Note**If you are a bit squeamish, please skip to the next paragraph.**
As I started to clean-up the mess, Kc took Noah and used his G-Tube to suction out the contents of his stomach. Sure enough, there was about 15 ml worth of bright, red blood mixed in with partially digested formula {such a lovely image as well as smell}.
**Ok to resume reading**
A quick call to the pediatrician-on-call confirmed what we already knew to be true...a visit to Children's Hospital ER was in order. We packed our bags {you never know how many days might need to be spent at the hospital} and quickly drove to Children's, which thankfully only takes about 10 minutes. The waiting room was QUITE PACKED so we knew our wait would be long, even though Noah's complications put us in the front of the cue. While waiting, we tried to entertain a tired little man with the toys we brought. He stacked them, threw them, and put them all in his mouth. NOW WHAT?!? Boredom set in quickly! While Noah was banging on a chair, he turned around to look at me and suddenly took three steps towards me. WHAT?!? I picked him up, laughed with glee, and put him back down for a second round. Once again, he took multiple steps towards Mama! WTF! Now! Now! You choose NOW to start walking?!? Apparently Noah was going to do anything to get out of this place.
After six and a half hours, lines, blood tests, IVs, multiple visits from nurses, unruly gowns, annoying intercoms, loud babies crying, welcome visits from Nana, and a great doctor, nobody could figure out why Noah was vomiting blood. We have a follow-up visit with our pediatrician tomorrow, but are not expecting many answers.
Both Kc and I took the day off to sleep, recuperate, and spend some time with our little Stinkpot who decided that steps were "No Big Deal". We were able to capture a few steps he took at home today, but they were nothing compared to what he did in front of the coughing and vomiting kiddos in the ER Waiting Room.
Oh, yes, the Cheese and Rice
sister-in-law commented on my Facebook post about being in the ER and Noah walking. She said, "Cheese and Rice!! Praying!!" I thought that summed up the entire evening!