Finally!!! This guy has been waiting and watching everyone around him loose teeth. On the third day of school, he raises his hand in class and announces that he has a wiggly tooth. He's been wiggling and wiggling it for the past three weeks. This morning, he comes running into our room and says, "Surprise, my tooth came out!" Finally!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Sixteen Months - Ava
This girl...oh how I love her so! She is feisty, silly, active, loud, brave, talkative, determined, and always busy. She has two and asleep. She has two volume levels...loud and asleep.
Ava has quite the extensive vocabulary and talks all the time. We can understand only about half of what she says but as her consonant and vowel sounds are becoming more clear it's becoming easier. Some of her words are: Mama, It's Dada, Bu-bu (what she calls Noah), Kitty, Sierra, Nana, Papa, up, eat, milk (which she does not like), water, cookie, cheese, juice, book, ball, car, baby, diaper, shoes, bow, hat, bink (her pacifier), bub-un (belly button), cow, duck, bear, sit, all done, oben (open), hi, and bye.
Miss Ava is also so very active. She rarely sits still and loves to run and climb. We had such a hard time taking her monthly picture because she refused to sit in the chair. Little Miss screamed and cried and climbed down every time we put her in the chair...this is the one and only picture Kc got of Ava actually sitting and looking at the camera. I'm sad we didn't get a picture of all my babies together this month...we'll try again next month.
She definitely keeps us on our toes!
Ava's current stats are:
Weight: 24 pounds 12 ounces
Height: 34 inches

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