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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Noah and Jonah

Noah and Jonah were so cute together all last week.  They had a blast playing together, stealing toys from each other, following each other down the slide, giving each other high-fives, jumping on the trampoline together, and taking wagon rides together.  

Here they are showing me their tongues. 
Jonah is signing "Noah" {sign N over the right eye}.  How cute is that?????
Gotta love those cousins!


  1. It sure was fun watching them interact with one another. Can't wait for the next time.

  2. Oh how cute...that is one cute shot of those two! Love how moans arm is wrapped around Jonah...priceless!

  3. Darn auto correct...Noah's not moans!

  4. I there anything cuter?? (nope)

  5. Ummmm, priceless! How sweet are they together. Looking forward to the next Nana/Mimi and the boys night. :)


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