Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Five Months - Ezra

My little Skeeziks is such a happy guy!  He absolutely LOVES to be held and will only tolerate being put down on his play mat or exersaucer for short periods of time.  He is desperately trying to roll from his stomach onto his back during the dreaded tummy time but has yet to be successful.  

When Ezra was born, he had quite a bit of dark hair.  It has all fallen out and dirty-blond hair is currently growing in.  It will be interesting to see how it continues to grow.  Ezra's eyes continue to be bright blue.

Ezra's current stats are:

Weight:  17 pounds 12 ounces
Height:  26 inches
Ezra just loves to stick his tongue out.
You can see Noah's five month pictures here and Ava's five month pictures here.

All of my babies!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Four Months - Ezra

My little Skeeziks is four months old!!!  He is such a smiley, happy, chill little guy.  He is just starting to get better at tummy time and doesn't scream his head off immediately when you put him on down. I have started back at work and he is doing very well.  After a few days of adjustment, and refusing a bottle, he turned around with quite a bit of help from Daddy.  

Ezra continues to be my biggest baby.  You can check out Noah's four months pictures are here and Ava's four months pictures are here for comparison.

Ezra's current stats are:

Weight: 16 pounds 4 ounces
Height: 26 inches

My babies!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Three Months - Ezra

Skeeziks is three months old today.  He is a happy little guy who continues to love to be held, hates tummy time, and loves to watch his brother and sister.  His eyes are still blue, although they are lightening up.

Noah's three months pictures are here and Ava's three months pictures are here.
Ezra's stats are:

Weight: 14 pounds 13 ounces
Height: 25 inches

Monday, August 22, 2016

First Day of Second Grade

My Little Man isn't so little anymore!

He started second grade and Mama and Daddy got to walk him to class. 
It is so fun to look back on his first day pictures.
Preschool - year 1
Preschool - year 2
First Grade

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Two Months - Ezra

Our little "Skeeziks" is two months old. He is a chunky little monkey and loves to eat! Ezra is gaining a lot more head and neck control although tummy time is not his favorite!

Ezra's eyes continue to be blue and his hair is straight brown. He has given us a few smiles this past week and loves to look at the toys that are hanging on his playmat.

Noah's two month pictures are here and Ava's two month pictures are here.

Current stats:
Weight: 13 pounds 4 ounces
Height: 24 inches

Friday, July 8, 2016

One Month - Ezra

This little guy is one month old today.  He is a sweet and cuddly little guy (and by cuddly, I mean never wants to be put down) who has been such a joyous addition to our family.  Ezra is a good eater and wakes every three hours (like clockwork) to nurse.  He has brief periods of being awake between feedings and loves looking at lights, the ceiling fan, and his siblings.  

Because of Noah and Ava's allergies to dairy and soy, our fantastic pediatrician suggested that I eliminate those foods while breastfeeding because there is a strong likelihood Ezra will be intolerant of them as well. 

Ezra currently has brown hair and blue eyes.  He has more hair than either Ava or Noah at the same age.

Ezra's current stats are:

Weight: 9 pounds 8 ounces
Height: 20.5 inches

Ava's one month picture and Noah's one month picture.

Both Ava and Noah have been amazing big siblings.  They greet him first thing every morning, always want to know where he is and who is holding him, worry when he cries, and snuggle and kiss him as often as possible.  It just warms my Mama's heart to see the love they have for each other.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Three Children

We attempted to take a picture with the newest member of the Jackson clan.  Noah and Ava just love their little brother and only minimal bribing was required.
They are so sweet!
I just love how much they love Ezra!
Silly kiddos!
While Kc was trying to get the lighting set-up, he used Ava as a test subject.  I love this little ginger!
She can so very sweet
but has a seriously, feisty side!

Ezra's First Week

I was scheduled for a repeat c-section at 39 weeks.  I took this last selfie before heading to the hospital bright and early.

At 8:01 a.m., Ezra Cole Jackson was born weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce and measuring 19 inches.  Proud Daddy got to hold him first.
Just the cutest little button ever!
Finally, I got to meet my Little Man.  It was love at first sight.
After transitioning from the OR to our room, my parents brought Ava so she could meet her little brother.  She loved him instantly and wanted to hold him.
As soon as school was out, Big Brother Noah got to visit the hospital and meet his little brother.  He was so excited and loved him instantly.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Star Wars Birthday Party

Can you believe my Little Man is 7???  He is super into Star Wars and really wanted a "Jedi Training Academy" birthday party.  How fun!  

Noah helped by collecting all the Star Wars toys he already owned and we spread those throughout the house to decorate.

Kc and I planned four fun training events that the boys would participate in and, of course, the forecast was for rain all weekend long.  We moved everything from the backyard to the garage and it worked out perfectly!
My AMAZING HUSBAND hung black, plastic tablecloths around the garage and created a fun, space environment.  Noah had to inspect everything before the party started.
All Padawans started with "Blaster Training".  Now my husband informed me that no true Jedi would use a blaster...they prefer the lightsaber which is a gentleman's weapon.  I knew the boys would have fun with Nerf Blasters...so...we did it anyway.

The Padawans had to blast the Stormtrooper from 10 feet away.
They had so much fun and Kc was a great stacker!
The next task for all Padawans was to master the lightsaber.  They had to use their lightsaber and keep a balloon up in the air as long as possible.

Next, the Padawans traveled to Mustafar to participate in an epic duel.  They had to walk across the rocks and balance on the beam without falling in the lava.  This was so much fun to watch!

My Little Miss wanted to be front and center at all times.  She had a blast battling with the boys...in her princess dress, of course!

The Padawans' final task was to destroy the Death Star.  I took an inexpensive soccer ball pinata and transformed it into a Death Star.
I was pretty proud of my paint job!
Each boy got three whacks with a reinforced lightsaber.

It proved to be the pinata that would not die!  With a little help, however, the boys were able to destroy it!

We followed our training with snacks to replenish the young trainees.  We had lightsaber fruit kebabs,
cheese and cracker TIE fighters,
chocolate wafer and marshmallow TIE fighters, 
R2D2 cookies,
as well as Vader Veggies, Sarlac Dip, 7 Leia Dip, and Trooper Scoopers.  So cute!

Before leaving, each boy was presented with their official Jedi Knight certificate
and an adorable treat bag.
I found the play pack (coloring book and stickers) and Darth Vader key ring at Target on clearance. The Star Wars tissues and mini blasters were from the Dollar Tree and how cute are the Star Wars gummy treats.

It was such a fun party and before going to bed, Noah declared that his birthday party was "the BEST PARTY EVER"!  Mission accomplished!!!