Thursday, February 2, 2012

Under the Sea Birthday Party Bash, part 2

It was so much fun planning Noah's birthday party.  We knew right away that my little fish fanatic needed an appropriately themed bash.
I painted some Japanese lanterns and hung them high to look like we were under the ocean.
There were fish, octopus, and sharks everywhere.
Kc added his own design touch.
We had Submarine Sandwiches for the adults and Peanut Butter and Jellyfish sandwiches for the kiddos.
There were Fish and Chips to munch on {served in newspaper, of course}
and the cutest Octopus Dip with Crunchy Coral.
And no party is complete without Ocean Animal {funfetti} cupcakes.
After lunch and some playing outside, it was time for presents.  Bubs had plenty of practice opening gifts over Christmas and he definitely put those newly developed skills into good use.
The oceaned themed gifts flowed freely.  Mr. Man received an adorable turtle and ocean animal puzzle,
Finding Nemo action figures, 
not one, but two, Nemo fish,
and a whole host of cuddly ocean animals.
Bubs also received so many amazing ocean books {which we have been reading over, and over, and over, and over again}.
Cuz Jonah {and his most crafty Mama and Daddy} gave Bubs his very own book of sea creatures.  It was filled with pictures they took at our recent trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  The book has a very special place of honor in our house and Mr. Man has read it a bazillion times.
The last present Bubs opened was the most adorable {handpainted} Nemo shoes...if I do say so myself.
It was a fantastic party filled with family, friends, and fun.  We can't thank everyone enough for loving and supporting our Little Man.  

Only 359 more days until Bubs' fourth birthday...eek...I should start preparing now...


  1. So so so cute! ( of course it was) Live that Noah was showered with love and so many of his favorite things. I am so happy he liked his album too. Wanted to make sure he could have photos with him everywhere. (wouldn't want to be caught some where without fish!!)

  2. So creative!! And you know how I just LOVE themes. What a fantastic party to throw your little guy. XOX Robyn

  3. WOW...Bec that looks like a super fantastic party!! You are so incredibly talented I'm a bit jealous and have lots to learn from you sister!! I so wish we could have been there to celebrate your incredible miracle man!! And I will get it together over here and send his gifts...isn't that just awful?? They are on the counter here...ok Thursday I'm packing it up and sending it out! Great pics...Love the pic of Noah in your lap looking at the book...precious!! Happy Birthday Noah! We LOVE you and can't wait to squeeze you...gently!!
