Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Five Months - Ezra

My little Skeeziks is such a happy guy!  He absolutely LOVES to be held and will only tolerate being put down on his play mat or exersaucer for short periods of time.  He is desperately trying to roll from his stomach onto his back during the dreaded tummy time but has yet to be successful.  

When Ezra was born, he had quite a bit of dark hair.  It has all fallen out and dirty-blond hair is currently growing in.  It will be interesting to see how it continues to grow.  Ezra's eyes continue to be bright blue.

Ezra's current stats are:

Weight:  17 pounds 12 ounces
Height:  26 inches
Ezra just loves to stick his tongue out.
You can see Noah's five month pictures here and Ava's five month pictures here.

All of my babies!