Sunday, August 19, 2012

Noah Loves to Fly

Wow!  I can't believe it's already been a week since we returned from Texas and I am just now starting to blog about it.  It's not like we haven't been a bit busy this past week.  School starts on Monday so I've been spending every last precious moment getting my classroom ready for 28 little first graders.

Before getting on the airplane, we did quite a bit of preparation with Noah about what to expect.  We talked about going through security and practiced walking through the scanners and how Squirt would have to be placed on the x-ray machine {Noah thought it looked like when you "pay for it" at the store}.  Kc played "airplane" with Bubs and talked about landing in San Francisco, Houston, and McAllen.  They even practiced turbulence - Noah's favorite part.  I must say that Mr. Man was quite prepared and he did an AWESOME job.

The very first flight was on a little plane {a puddle jumper} that took us from Fresno to San Francisco.  The flight was less than an hour - by the time we got up in the air, it seemed as though we were ready to land.

Bubs was super excited and loved looking out the window as we were starting to take-off.  As soon as the plane got a bit loud {just before the wheels left the ground}, however, Mr. Man buried his head in my lap.  He stiffened up and let out a little squeal when his stomach did a flip as the plane climbed higher and higher.  Once we were up in the air, however, he settled down and enjoyed the ride.  Noah looked out the window and watched the sun rise as we flew through the clouds.  How magical!

The next two flights were easy and quite uneventful for Mr. Man.  He enjoyed the take-off and landing of our second {and much longer} flight from San Francisco to Houston.  He played a few games on the iPad and watched a little bit of Word World {his new favorite tv show}.  Our final flight was another short flight from Houston to McAllen.  By this time, our seasoned flyer was comfortable enough to take a bit of a nap.
Once we landed in McAllen, we were greeted by Uncle Adam and PopRo who came to pick us up in the greatest ride ever - an RV.  The Jacksons and the Carolina Smiths {who landed less than an hour later} all piled into the RV and made the hour and a half drive to our final destination - South Padre Island.  Kc did an excellent job teaching Noah and Cuz Jonah how to "chill" during the ride.

1 comment:

  1. cute! I can't believe it's been a week I always feel like we need to get ready to go over to the island house...sadly not this week! We sure miss you guys...and we had so much fun with everyone :) Looking forward to the next round of pics...I just know KC got some good pics!!
