Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pouty Face

What kind of Mother am I??? When Noah is a bit grumpy and he puts on his pouty face, I can't help but smile. He is SO cute when his little lip puckers and his eye looks sad. I should be sympathizing with my son, but I am giggling at his cute little face.


  1. You are just like every other mother who delights in her children. Those pouty faces on young ones can't help but bring a smile, but I have to say it's a different story when the pouty face turns into a tantrum face. Pouty face - cute; tantrum face - not so cute :-( Here's to cute!!

  2. Noah certainly has his pouty face down: curled lip, scrunched chin, even a little tear forming in his eye. His little face is so cute.

  3. This is seriously tender. How can a mother resist that face? Which is just what he is counting on...:)

  4. Debbie has it exactly right! Cute is good, and he's learning how to milk this expression for all it's worth!

  5. Uncle Adam Aunt Mel and HunterMay 18, 2009 at 7:45 AM

    How are you going to say no to that cute little face. We miss you Noah and hope to see you soon.

  6. How cute is he?! I couldn't hold a straight face either!
