Friday, December 5, 2014

Seven Months - Ava

My Sweet Little Miss is getting so big!  She is sitting up all by herself and grabs EVERYTHING within her reach.  She continues to HATE being on her tummy and I fear she will NEVER crawl...ok...that might be a tad bit dramatic...but...seriously...she refuses to lay on her tummy and will roll over within seconds and try to sit up.  This girl!!!

Baby Girl has been very slow to learn how to eat.  She continues to refuse to drink from a bottle and is struggling to figure out how the sippy cup works.  She seems to prefer to feed herself finger food (Cheerios, black beans, small pasta, peas, and carrots are her favorite) and takes a dim view to all purees (accept for mangoes...she does like pureed mangoes).  We will continue to introduce Baby Girl to as many types of foods and flavors as we can and hope she starts to take a liking to something.

Miss Ava lost most of her beautiful curly hair a few months after birth.  The hair that has grown in is still red but is not curly.  Ava's eyes, which were blue at birth, are slowly changing.  They are currently a greenish, hazel.

Ava's current stats are:

Weight:  19 pounds
Height:  27 inches

It is so interesting that Miss Ava is almost exactly the same size that Noah was at this age.