Friday, September 5, 2014

Four Months Old - Ava

Sweet Baby Girl is four months old today.  Oh my goodness how time is flying by.  I have been blessed to be able to separate my maternity leave and use the time before and after summer vacation.  I have four more weeks of bliss with my Little One before returning to work.  While I am looking forward to meeting my students I will desperately miss all the time spent with both of my kiddos.  I love walking Noah to school in the morning, spending time with Ava {one on one}, running errands during the day, making phone calls during "business hours", picking Noah up from kindergarten, playing all afternoon, eating dinner at a reasonable hour {because I am home to prep it}, and not having to grade papers or prep work for school at night.

I have been off dairy and soy since before Ava was born {three weeks before...but who is counting???}.  It was a precautionary measure because Noah was so violently allergic to both.  Poor Noah vomited after every single meal and refused to eat {probably because his stomach hurt so much}which lead to us putting in the g-tube.  While I am so thankful for modern medicine and the ability to keep my son alive {and thriving, I might add}, I am sad that we go to the point where he gave up eating orally and we are now having to battle his oral aversions.  A few days ago, I decided to try dairy and soy and see if Ava had any reaction.  I figured she was {almost} four months old and her tummy was a bit more developed and hopefully she would be able to digest them. was confirmed that Ava is allergic to dairy and soy.  Poor girl spit-up after nursing {something she NEVER does}, had a terrible night of sleep {probably because her tummy hurt}, woke up three times during the night {she is currently sleeping all through the night}, and spit-up the entire next morning.  She was cranky and fussy and we were both so very sorry I had dairy and soy.  So, once again, I will continue to steer clear of the offending foods and my Sweet Baby Girl will continue to be happy and healthy.

Ava's current stats are:

Weight : 15 pounds 0 ounces
Height: 26 inches

My sweet little princess!
All of my babies!