Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Eight Months

Noah turned eight months on Monday. It is truly hard to believe how far he has come over the past several months. His current stats are:

Weight: 20 pounds 6 ounces
Height: 29 inches
Kc commented on the fact that Noah's head is now above the top of the chair. Mr. Man is getting so big and strong!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Huntington Lake

This past weekend, the Jackson family headed back up to Huntington Lake, thanks to our generous friends who offered us their cabin again. I don't know about the rest of the country, but Fresno has been unseasonably warm this past month. In fact, it was 100 degrees on my birthday. My birthday is usually the first day of fall. It sure did not feel like it in Fresno, but up at Huntington, fall was in the air. We had a high of 74 degrees and a low of 43. Kc built a fire every morning after we woke up and every evening. Sweatshirts and beanies were the wardrobe of choice. It was perfectly delightful!On Saturday, we walked down to the lake to let Sierra swim. She thought she had gone to doggie heaven as she fetched sticks, ran on the beach and swam and swam and swam.Noah Man even got to play in the sand.Thanks Omi for the cutest boots ever!I got the spend the weekend with my two favorite guys, out of the Fresno heat, and surrounded by nature. What more could a gal ask for?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Birthday Dinner

Several days ago, Kc and Noah got together and made a fantastic dinner to celebrate my birthday. The evening started out with shrimp cocktail. Noah helped Kc steam the shrimp. Then it was on to a candle lit dinner of filet mignon with sauteed mushrooms, brussel sprouts (one of my favorites), and twice baked potatoes. Noah was a perfect gentleman and played with his toys in his highchair while Daddy and I enjoyed our meal.It was the perfect way to celebrate my birthday - spending time with my two favorite guys. Thank you both so much for making me feel so special! I love you!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

First Day at Daycare

Today was Noah's first day at daycare. He is going to a wonderful place called Loretta's Little Miracles that services babies and kiddos with special needs. It was a very sad and wet day for Mama (I had tears streaming down my cheeks all the way to work) but Noah Man took it all in stride.He had a great day playing and hanging out with his friend Tacori. Tacori's Mom, Andrea, and I have been e-mailing back and forth for the past several months - ever since they learned little Miss T was going to need a trach. It was very exciting to finally meet this amazing Mom. We have supported each other through multiple surgeries and I know our little kiddos will bond over the adventures of trachs and g-tubes.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tongue Twister

Now that Noah's two bottom teeth are in, he has been sticking his tongue out quite a bit.Whether he loves feeling his teeth on the bottom of his tongue, is making a political statement about our economy, or is telling Mama what he thinks about strained peas, Noah Man always seems to have his tongue out.
Then again, he could just be saying, "Plllbbbbbbb".

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New, Flaming Kicks

Back in April, when Noah got his first set of boots, Mama and Nana went into Valley Orthopedic and picked out the cute royal blue and green dinosaur straps.
When Daddy took Noah in to get fitted for his second (much larger) pair of boots last week, he picked out straps that were much different. Daddy decided that Noah Man needed flames. Black straps with red, orange, and yellow flames, to be precise.Noah loves his new flaming kicks, especially because they aren't too small and don't pinch his feet.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Two Toofers

Noah's got it coming out both ends! In addition to major poop-explosions coming out the bottom end, he's got two bottom teeth coming out the top end.Mr. Man has handled this like he handles most things...with a smile on his face, drool on his chin, and joy in his eye.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mr. Poop

Yesterday morning, Kc and I both left the hospital and headed off to work. Lindsay came to watch Noah, like she does every Friday. Noah loves to spend time with Lindsay and decided to save his first poop for her. Right around lunch time, Lindsay noticed a very familiar smell that was completely new to Mr. Man. She checked his daiper, and sure enough...his first poops. Noah was a bit puzzled as to why Lindsay was jumping up and down, clapping, and taking picutures. "It's just poop", he thought.
Noah was kind enough to save another poopy diaper for his Mama later that night. Because he's had two poopy diapers, Dr. Hodge agreed that he can slowly start back on formula. We are working our way from two ounces per feed back up to his normal six ounces. Hopefully we'll be there tomorrow morning and then we'll be able to go home.
Noah Man has lost almost two pounds over the last week. He was put on a Pedialyte only diet three full days before his colostomy closure surgery and was NPO (nothing to eat or drink) five hours before the procedure. Since the surgery has been complete, Noah has only had IV fluids and a few ounces of Pedialyte. That's seven full days without any formula. It's amazing what two pounds looks like on a little baby. Noah's rolls and dimples are almost nonexistant. His fat little feet are not so fat. We've got a lot of work to do to pack the pounds back on. Here's to the future of feeding and pooping! Away we go!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Praying for Poop

Thank you all so much for your prayers. Noah's colostomy closure was a success yesterday. He did very well during the procedure and slept most of the rest of the day. Dr. Hodge said that Noah needs to poop before we can begin to feed him...we need to know that all his pipes are in working order. So, while Nana is with Noah at Children's Hospital today, we're praying for poop. We'll post some pictures soon.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hooked on Pedialyte

Noah's colostomy closure surgery is today...finally. After having to postpone the surgery for seven weeks because of pneumonia, I thought this day would never come, but here it is. In order for Noah's insides to be clean, he has been on a Pedialyte only diet since Sunday. It's been a bit rough for Mr. Man, but he is taking it like a champ. We have been feeding him every two to three hours and boy does he let us know when he's hungry. The surgery is scheduled for 11:00. Please pray for the doctors and nurses as well as for Noah. Wish us luck with our hospital stay (hopefully not more than five days) as well as our first poopy diapers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Over Labor Day weekend, Kc and I had planned on taking Noah back up to Huntington Lake, but had a necessary change of plans. Instead, we were fortunate enough to spend some quality time with friend, some fun time as a family, and prepare for Noah's surgery tomorrow. On Saturday, we headed over to the Grunau's for yummy cinnamon rolls for breakfast and over to the Long's for a great pasta dinner complete with homemade apple pie. It was great to reconnect with old friends and share stories of raising little ones.

On Monday, Kc and I took Noah Man to Storyland. We both remember going there as children and were so excited to share that experience with our child.Upon entering the park, we were greeted by the White Rabbit who informed us that we were very late.We soon found the replica of Noah's Ark and headed inside to look at all the animals.There was a pirate exhibit that was unfortunately still under construction, but Daddy-O was able to show Noah Man how to speak pirate. Arrrr!At every exhibit there is a recorded narrative that can be played using a Magical Key. Noah got very good at turning the key to hear the story.
All in all, it was a great weekend spent with family and friend. We hope your Labor Day was just as special.

Friday, September 4, 2009

We've got a new baby sitter

No, not this kind of babysitter
This kind of baby sitterNoah is now officially sitting up all by himself. He still teeters upon occasion, but he is learning to brace himself with his arms (or kickstands and Kc likes to call them). He loves to sit and lasts fifteen to twenty minutes before he starts to tire. Now that our little guy is rolling over and sitting up, it's only a matter of time before he's crawling. EEK!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Look at how much Noah has changed

It truly is amazing what a few months will make in a child's life. Mr. Man has grown so much!